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Advanced Microscopy

A suite of state-of-the-art electron, ion, and x-ray microscopy provides high spatial resolution imaging and compositional analysis, in 2D and 3D (destructively or non-destructively).

Transmission Electron Microscope


As one of the first operators in Western Canada, nanoFAB provides training and access to JEOL JEM-ARM200CF Transmission Electron Microscope


  • 200, 80, and 60 kV acceleration voltage
  • <0.1 nm resolution (HAADF STEM)
  • Large-angle SDD-EDX detector
  • In-situ heating and electrochemical holders
A close up of an intel chip revealing its lithography features.

Focused Ion Beam (FIB)


ThermoFisher Helios Hydra Plasma FIB/SEM dual-beam system, equipped with multiple ion species, micromanipulator, gas injection system and fast EDX detector, is widely utilized for ion-beam patterning, micro-sample manipulation/preparation and 3D characterization


  • Multiple Ion species: Xe, Ar, O and N
  • Ultra high resolution FESEM: 0.6 nm
  • Analytical detectors: STEM, BSD, EDX
  • Gas injection system (GIS): C, Pt and W
  • TEM sample preparation
  • FIB/SEM tomography
  • Transfer shuttle for air-sensitive materials
  • Direct ion beam patterning
A close up of an intel chip revealing its lithography features.

(Field-Emission) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)


The nanoFAB houses 3 SEMs (2 FESEMs and 1 thermal emission SEM), supporting different levels of SEM analysis needs, including undergraduate and graduate courses, entry-level inspection, and advanced analytical characterization


Zeiss Sigma FESEM

  • Schottky field-emission source
  • Excellent low-voltage imaging
  • EDX and EBSD detectors


Hitachi S4800 FESEM

  • Cold field-emission source
  • STEM and EDX detectors


A close up of an intel chip revealing its lithography features.

X-Ray Microscopy / nanoCT


Zeiss Xradia Versa 620 XRM provides high throughput, non-destructive, high resolution 3D/4D analysis of materials that are not limited to vacuum compatibility.

  • Non-destructive high resolution 3D X-Ray imaging: better than 500 nm
  • High power (25 W) X-Ray source with energy range of 30 – 160 kV
  • Integrated in-situ thermal/mechanical testing stage (Deben)


A close up of an intel chip revealing its lithography features.