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Surface Spectroscopy
Various spectroscopy techniques enable compositional analysis of materials and devices at different aspects: elemental, chemical states, chemical bonding, phases, molecular arrangement in depth profiling, and 2D/3D.
PHI VersaProbe III Scanning XPS Microprobe
Kratos Ultra XPS spectrometry
Standard XPS spectroscopy is configured on the Kratos Ultra system for high throughput analysis, while advanced techniques are available on the PHI VP3 system.
- Compositional and chemical state information
- UPS and LEIPS for VB and CB analysis
- Spatial resolution less than 10 µm
- Depth profiling with mono Ar+ and Cluster Ar+ sputtering
- Transfer shuttle for air-sensitive materials
X-Ray Diffraction and SAXS
A complete instrumentation of X-Ray Diffraction and Scattering techniques is available on 3 XRD systems at the nanoFAB, enabling analysis of phase composition, particle size, crystal structure and orientation of powder, thin film, bulk, and colloidal samples at ambient and non-ambient conditions.
Bruker D8D Plus XRD
- High intensity low-divergence collimated X-ray source
- ATLAS Goniometer with non-coplanar arm
- EIGER2 R 500K detector with 0D/1D/2D multi-mode operation
- XRR, GI-SAXS/WAXS, Pole figure and residual stress analysis
- In situ heating and electrochemical analysis
Bruker D8 XRD
- Bragg-Brentano parafocusing setup for powder analysis
- In situ heating analysis for bulk and powder samples
- Multi-sample stage with automated acquisition
Rigaku Ultima IV XRD
- Line focus low-divergence X-ray source
- Grazing incidence diffraction (GID) for thin-film applications
Confocal Raman Microscopy
The Renishaw inVia Qontor Confocal Raman Microscope is a flexible Raman instrument with unique real-time focus-tracking capabilities for fast and advanced 2D/3D analysis of samples with flat, uneven, curved, or rough surfaces.
- 3 lasers: 532 nm, 633 nm and 785 nm
- Objectives: 5X, 20X, 50X (long Working Distance), 100X
- 2D/3D imaging
- LiveTrack™ focus technique for surface imaging
- Macro Sampling Kit allows analysis of non-standard samples